First Meetings in the Enderverse

First Meetings: In the Enderverse - Orson Scott Card, Craig Phillips There were a few discrepancies in this book compared to the Books [b:Ender's Game|375802|Ender's Game (Ender's Saga, #1)|Orson Scott Card||2422333] and [b:Ender's Shadow|9532|Ender's Shadow (Shadow, #1)|Orson Scott Card||3145587]. There are differences with Graff's character and his age (within this book, I did not even consider the other books), who the other kids in Ender's "jeesh" for the final battle were, and with Bean's background story. I am sure there are more, but these were the ones that caused me to do a double take.Otherwise this was a very enjoyable book of four novellas. I loved learning a little more about Ender's parents and how he meet "Jane".